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Citizen Charter
The Citizen's Charter is a written declaration of the people's right to receive services. This reflects the hopes and aspirations of the people and creates opportunities to improve the quality of existing services. The Citizens' Charter ensures timely service delivery to service recipients. Increases transparency, accountability and dynamism in the administration of service delivery authorities. Mutual trust between service recipients and providers is enhanced through Citizen Charter.
Service program:
1. The name of the service : Grameen - Infrastructure Maintenance.
Beneficiaries: Local Government Institutions.
The maximum working time : 6 months
Authority to provide services:
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
c. Concerned Regional Superintending Engineer
Methods of service delivery:
The Upazila Engineer will update the Upazila Database after monitoring the actual condition of all Upazila and Union Roads, number of vehicles and condition of road bridges / culverts and send it to the office of the Executive Engineer of the District. The regular engineer will update the database of all the upazilas under his jurisdiction and send it to the office of the Regional Supervising Engineer. The regular engineer will update the database of all the upazilas under his jurisdiction and send it to the office of the Regional Supervising Engineer. ‍ The maintenance unit of the head office will determine the district-wise maintenance demand with the help of software in the light of the updated database received and simultaneously prepare the initial scheme list. The preliminary schemes of the executive engineer of the concerned district will be checked and selected on the spot by the upazila engineer and a possible estimate will be prepared. The District Maintenance Committee finalizes the list of schemes as per the annual allocated budget of the district in the Annual Procurement Plan. Send to the Regional Supervising Engineer for approval. After the verification and selection, the Executive Engineer of the concerned district will call for tenders and carry out the maintenance work in the light of the maintenance guidelines.
2.  The name of the service : Provide information on LGED's development activities.
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries / Local Government Institutions.
The maximum working time : 3-9 days.
Authority to provide services: 
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
Methods of service delivery: 
Applying to a person or organization for information about LGED's development activities, it is verified whether it falls under the Right to Information Act. If the information is eligible to be provided after verification, the information is provided. If it is not possible to provide information, the applicant is informed not to provide information.
3.  The name of the service : Issuance of tax deduction certificate.
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries / Local Government Institutions
The maximum working time : 1-6 days
Authority to provide services: 
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
Methods of service delivery: 
After completion of the procurement process, the contractor has to apply to the concerned purchasing office for the receipt of tax deduction certificate. After verification of the application by the concerned department, if the information is correct, a certificate of tax deduction is issued.
4.  The name of the service : Issuance of certificate of work experience
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries / Local Government Institutions
The maximum working time : 1-6 days
Authority to provide services: 
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
Methods of service delivery:  
After completion of development work under district and upazila, the concerned contractor has to apply to the district office for the certificate of merit. Necessary steps are taken by the district office to issue certification of the work done after verification.
5.  The name of the service : Provide loan assistance for infrastructure maintenance and livelihood development.
Beneficiaries:Beneficiary members of Pubs
The maximum working time :3 months (Proposal must be sent between December-January of each financial year)
Authority to provide services: 
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
c. Project Director, Small Water Resources Development Project, LGED Building, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Methods of service delivery:
After the sub-project is handed over, after the regular regular maintenance by PABSOS, the required funds will be allocated for general and seasonal maintenance subject to receipt and conditions. Loan assistance can be obtained from the Livelihood Improvement Trust by mentioning the eligibility of the needy.


6.  The name of the service : Solve various problems in the field of small scale water resources and sustainable management in agriculture.

Beneficiaries: People / Union Parishad with local interests

The maximum working time :Within 2 years during the project
Authority to provide services: 
a. Concerned Upazila
b. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
c. Project Director, Small Water Resources Development Project, LGED Building, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Methods of service delivery:
In order to increase agricultural production on less than 1000 hectares or 2500 acres of land in rural areas, any problem related to water such as increase in irrigation area, water conservation, flood management and removal of waterlogging can be met by concerned people through concerned Union Parishad or directly by LGED's Upazila Engineer / Executive Engineer / Project. You can apply to the director.You will be notified within 6 months of the application whether the project is feasible. If implemented, you will get the benefits of the project in one and a half to two years.


7.  The name of the service : Quality control lab test services.

Beneficiaries: Quality control lab test services. Government Non-Governmental, Autonomous, Local Government Institutions, Contractors or Interested Persons

The maximum working time :Within 7 days of the time limit for relevant tests
Authority to provide services: 
a. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
b. Executive Engineer (Quality Control) LGED Headquarters, Agargaon, Dhaka.
Methods of service delivery:

Based on the Lab Test facilities of the Department of Local Government Engineering, three types of laboratories are providing LGED's own work quality control tests, lab test services at the request / application of any other government or private or individual level. The LGED is headquartered at the Central Laboratory and the larger District Headquarters is housed at the Regional Laboratory. Besides, there are district laboratories in other district headquarters.The applicant pays the prescribed test fee through a treasury invoice: If you apply to the lab-in-charge, the test result is reported immediately after the test is done on a first come first served basis.

8.  The name of the service : LGED road cutting license.

Beneficiaries:Government or private or autonomous organization or local government organization or interested person

The maximum working time :15 days
Authority to provide services: 
a. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
Methods of service delivery:
If there is a need to cut LGED roads in order to provide essential civic services, the interested organization or individual will apply to the concerned district executive engineer. After receiving the said application, the concerned applicant will be informed by fixing the compensation fee on the spot.Cutting the road is allowed after paying the compensation fee


9.  The name of the service : Rental of construction equipment and vehicles.

Beneficiaries: Government or private or autonomous organization or local government organization or interested person

The maximum working time : 3 days subject to being suitable for rent
Authority to provide services: 
a. Executive Engineer of the concerned district
Methods of service delivery:
Equipment and vehicles for construction work at the local government engineering department or any other governmental / non-governmental organization or individual level are rented on a first-come, first-served basis as per the approved rental list approved by LGED's District Level Executive Engineer's Office.